Tuesday, January 6, 2015

CES time again Consumer Electronic Show

If there is one thing that Las Vegas loves it is conventions!
And our favorite most talked about on is the CES.

Turn on the news or radio right now and they will be talking about it..

So here are a few products that are featured that you didn't know you could not live without.

First for those having babies.

Remember when pacifiers looked like this?
Sure  it worked fine to shut your kid up...  But could it take your kids temperature?
This one can!  $39.99

They already make those you say?  These little puppies are Bluetooth connected and keeps a record so you can always be on top of your babies health. 
That is not all! 
When your offspring tries crawling away, desperate to put miles them and over protective parents, this binkie has GSP capabilities.. Track that tyke down and drag him to a shrink!

For those of us with furry babies.

The Pet Cube!
You can watch your pet tear up your place from afar..  it has a speaker so you can yell at him for sneaking in the fridge.. and......

One day we'll get it! $199

You don't have to be home to frustrate your cat with a laser!  Now that your company has blocked facebook you can play with your pet during working hours!

I remember how a long long time ago, when Dad was building the house in American Fork. Mom was brilliant in having him put in hook ups for 2 washing machines and dryers.

Now 30 plus years later that practical solution has been up graded.

Two loads at once! (One mini load)
I'm sure it will be cheap enough to make it cost effective... nah not really. 

Now for anyone wanting their hair back.

Slap it on and watch the hair grow!  $695

Fantastic! Just as men are embracing their baldness

Oh gross he's bald!

PS some of my favorite people are bald!

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