Friday, January 2, 2015

Bee Gees The Review

So we decided last week to travel all the way to the Santa Fe (About a block away)
That we would Stayn' alive  Stay up past our bed time and watch a Bee Gees cover band.
It was free.. What can I say?
So we order our $4.00 sodas, grabbed a booth and got ready to be dazzled.
If you have a imagination they could pass for the band..
First 3 song were classic tunes.. songs that made the group famous... 
They did alright,... but we were honestly more entertained by the few groupies that got up to dance.

I use the term 'dance' as in 60 plus year old women shuffling on the floor and two younger women classic disco moved around them....
Chells comment to me.. "We are not that old and sad are we?"

Oh god I hope not!

So just as we are having us some Travolta Fever, the band decided they are done with the Bee Gees and start covering every 70's disco tune made..
Hey now! this is some Jive Talkin..

Then they were tired of that whole genre and hit us up with so Maroon 5 'Moves like Jagger'

Levine is praying for you Bee Gees Gold.

All and all if was a entertaining night.

The band gets a C because, they don't understand the concept of a tribute band..

They are still playing Friday nights.. so if you're in Vegas you can get your Disco on!

Now that is some shiny jackets and chest hair... Sexy!!!!

The real Bee Gees were part of my generations childhood into early adulthood.. Catchy songs that will stay with me forever!

Barry the only surviving brother in July of 2014

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