Friday, August 31, 2012

Pool time

Topher is evil in the water, and Mike won't save you!
The shark is not going to save me either

Tsunami cannonball

You can tell he is plotting a watery death.


Okay Mike did try a little to save me.

I think they both had trouble on their minds

That is me going under... Help!


Thanks Chell for letting us play, next time you are going in!

Monday, August 27, 2012

The fastest long year ever.

It was a year ago today that we said our final goodbyes.

We miss your smile Dad..
We miss you.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

He who wishes to be rich in a day, will be hanged in a year...... Leonardo Da Vinci

Today we went to see..

A fascinating life for sure, but the exhibit was a troublesome mess.

Not one original piece of anything..  if your going to charge folks almost $30.00 to get in, something, one thing should have been created by his hand.
What's that crap behind the glass?  Worthless I tell you! 
It was supposed to focus on his inventions and inspirations. What it looked like was the local high school wood shop class wanted to show if its talent.

Half the stuff didn't even really work, why bother?

You people suck at exhibits!

There was a whole room dedicated to some fool who took photos of the Mona Lisa with some fancy camera he invented to do just that... Yawn..

A wall with her face dissected... I think she was watching us get ripped off.

 She was trying not to laugh at us.
Oh and I think everyone will be relieved to know that he did paint her eyelashes and eye brows, just in such fine detail they faded over the centuries... Personally I never noticed, wonder if she a a She-stache too?

That's a ridiculous notion.

I give the exhibit a D.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Hey what the Hell is that?

It's dangerous leaving the house and bedroom unguarded when the boys are in town.

So far we have found rubber snakes and odd wiener dog toys in our bed.

That became a pull toy for the children.

My cat gets dressed in jail bird attire.
Poor kitty... 'Nobody knows '♫♫♪

I receive a package in the mail and open it to find this...

Make no mistake, it's exactly what you think it is.
Chell thought of  things that make grown Gay men cry and go weak.
Hey what's that in your bed boys?  

Finally the weekend is here and I get to enjoy their company a bit more.

And protect poor Bella.

Mom is on her own... I think she instigates some of these shenanigans.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Out germs, out!

Topher and Josh arrived today.
Finally they get to see the house they bought.
It looks just like this.

Now the work begins..

I think they forgot they brought a Smart phone.

And a ipad.
They also brought me belated Birthday gifts!!!!!
A custom made back pack.

Filled with all the good stuff.

Good job, Toph and Josh!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Everyone knows that Mom loves her little boys!
So starting last night, this should be a great week or two for all involved.

Rhone, Janet, Stephanie, and Jessica arrived last night.

And yes it is great seeing them all, it is made all the better because I can sit back and watch them get all the Motherly, Grandmotherly advice.!!

Better them than me!

Hours spent on career advice..
Stephanie can either be a ultra sound technician or just go out and find herself a Sugar Daddy.

Jessica gets job interview advise...
Lucky Jessica!

Red Neck Weddings are getting planned!

Cake and all!

It's great to have the crew around!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Those are some spoiled babies.

While pounding away at my work computer, I sometimes come across things that cause me to pause.
Sure we carry some high end, name brand shit.

What's $300 dollars for a pair of jeans?
Might help you get lucky. Could be worth it.

Today I saw something that made me go look at the actual product, a babies onesie.

I'd Rather Be In Vegas! Tee Shirt
Mostly our baby stuff looks like this.. 
But when I saw the price on this baby outfit, I had to know if it was made of  gold.
Young Versace Baby Boys Ivory & Black Long Sleeve Bodysuit With Medusa Logo
Sure it's Versace, but do you think the baby knows that as she throws up on this $358.00 outfit?

Oh the shame of having to wear last years OshKosh... 

Bet these kids hope to find just $3.58, so they can eat tonight.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

5 things I love about being me.

Turn on any media outlet and you find the finger pointing.
The hate and the unrest.

Mass shooting for some hidden or ugly agenda.
Romney and Obama taking over the airways, spending more money in a minute than I will ever see in my bank account.

So I sit back and say to myself, 'Is living in this world so bad?'


Here it is, my August 8th top five things I am thankful for.

1- I have a job that is not so bad. At a company that seems to care. All the August Birthday people got Birthday balloons and....
A Gift Certificate for coffee!!!!
On hot days they hand out Ice cream, over time means donuts and pizza... not so bad.

2- I live in the funtastic place called Vegas.  A place where people travel to from all over the world to visit.
They hottest bands play here, the 'Where are they now' bands play here.
Yes I am talking about you.
And best of all, it's not that kid friendly.
Unless you want to explain this to your first grader.
3- I have the best family ever.. a group of fools that know how to play, get silly, and hold on to each other when things get tough.  We laugh through the tears and laugh through the jokes. I think I will keep them all.
Oops, Wrong family.

4- Topher, Josh and Mike are coming to Vegas later this month.. I look forward to seeing these big bad fools! I am so excited!

5- I have the best partner ever.. Kind, loving, intense, fun, cute, caring, feeling, sweet, veggie loving Chell.
How can I let the world get me down when I have her?
Tree Heart

So there you go... I have 5 great reasons to smile.. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Hey look the Olympics can be entertaining.

Because everyone has the internet. 
Nobody really cares what NBC shows at night, long past past the wins and loses.. 

So here is a little Olympic fun.

Or ice cream bar!

Funny Faces at the Olympics
Take that Bitches!

Divers as they look mid-air...  that can make for some strange 'laugh' lines as they grow older!

Hey! Maybe they would like a little privacy.. Pervert!

They Olympics have the best lighters.

Michael Phelps must hate this guy...

Silly Swimmer, You're a Person, Not a Buoy!
What? Sex is a official sport?

Not Being Amused Must Run in the Family
Hey pay attention.. Royal brush off.

Who said they have tons of empty seats?

Enjoy the rest of the games!