Sunday, July 29, 2012

Planet Hollywood

Because we live in Vegas, we don't feel we have to do the whole strip in one day. 
So much to see.
So we pick an attraction and have a little fun for a hour or two.
Today' pick.

We chose this destination, because we read online that there was a fun indoor rain storm.
More like a kiddie pool with rocks, mist and the sprinkler system going off. I give this attraction a rating of D+.
So off to explore more.
Margarita on x 120

Freaky ceiling.

You never heard of the Desert cruises?  Might just be a locals thing.

Hey Lady! You forgot your face!

Vegas even has girls for Paul Bunyon.

Then we found a lounge that you can watch people lounge round the pool. Like a lounge lounge.

Yikes... That white might be Okay in Fargo, but we have tan standards here buddy.
 Then we headed outside to the burning Strip, for more people watching.

Know what happens when you take a crowd shot and zoom in?

All and all another good day.
And as always the company was the best!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

What's in yours?

The cavern that is attached, to your house.
Your garage.
The structure build to protect your carriage, then later your car. 
Oh, they are so nice to have.
A nice cozy garage saves you lots of cold work.

Some are nicer than others.
Since moving to Nevada I have found that garages are not really for cars.. 
They are spaces to plop down a old couch and hangout.

What the Garage Dweller imagines his space looks like.


Our Neighborhood is full of finger pointing, half intoxicated Garage Dwellers.

So that is how they afford it.
I thought I made up the term Garage Dweller, I was wrong... this apparently happens in many neighborhoods.

I think they got it right.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Wearing out the mute button.

This is the season, the season of slinging mud and getting down and dirty.
Oh if only!

I am talking about political ads.
Have mercy on us!

Whenever the ad comes on with Romney singing, the mute button can't be hit fast enough. 
So let's look at the lighter side of politics.. as only the internet can show us.
Well said Ed

First Orthodox Jewish Woman to Run for New York State Senate Uses Sparkly Pink Website, LMFAO to Lure Voters [UPDATE]
Okay so she is young and looks like a cross between a oompa loompa and a Jersey shore cast member. I would vote for her... At least she is different.

Who you calling common? 

 Wheelie Boobies!

Hey Mitt! See what happens when you pollute youtube with your ads...  So much money you just throw it out there  without looking at your demographics!  

Whatever your views, just remember to vote.

It's as American as Pin-up girls and broken campaign promises.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sorry little TC

A new car is introduced.

This is the car Lee Iaccoca wanted you to plop down $35,000 dollars for.  That would be $64,772.02 today, according to the CPI calculator. 

By the way I found this vintage promo picture from. (Missteps is a nice word.)

Only three years in production and it Maserati wanted nothing more to do with it.
Sorry Chrysler, your cars are shitty no matter the name.

Decades later, Mom and Dad saw one for sale.
Dad loved cars, and he love things that were unique. Mom loves a bargain. 
So they bought it.

And they had fun with it..

But now it is time for it to go.

And nobody can see it's hidden charm..
Only that it is a freaking 1989 Chrysler.

TC or Le Baron? You decided?

Ads on Craigslist wasted time.

So off to auction it goes..
Sorry TC. Sentiment doesn't buy you new tires.. batteries... insurance... registration... new electrical...
Still it will be a little sad to see it go.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Click it now!

Chell's hard work is showing.
Now her house is ready to rent..

Go to her brand new website! Click it and tell your friends to click it too.
So easy that even Matt could do it if he weren't so  stubborn.
Now if you know anyone who wants a super clean place to stay in Vegas, you have a place to recommend!
And that is why pets are not allowed.
I said, 'No Pets.' Damn cats never listen.
See how nice a cat free pool looks? Fresh and inviting after a play day on the hot hot Strip.

Okay stop reading and go Google and click that website, we all know how important web traffic is.!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Amused moment of the day.

After a fun time elbowing our way through the Fiesta buffet..
Chell and I took our full tummies to the slots.

No big wins, but lots of small ones that let us play for a while,  Chell walked out richer.
Me, just five dollars poorer. 
Lincoln approves!
The people inside the casino were almost as much entertainment as the games.
As we were walking out, I get a little nudge.. that silent communication  that scream.
"Look at that."
And I did.
Two very large women in very little clothing climb out of a truck.

Kinda like this with out the lighting and photo tricks. 
But wait!They weren't just climbing out of a truck, but a old shitty truck.
Sweet ride ladies!
 Wait! Inside the bed of the truck was a old icky stained mattress.

But my favorite part of the whole fantastic scene was that we saw this all, as the women were having their mobile Den of Iniquity Valet Parked.

I figured they used that mattress for a few extra bucks 'wink wink' and decided to live the Fiesta high life!

Maybe if they win tonight they can take the night off.

I already do!
They need to make a living too.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Commuting sucks

Today's commute.
16 miles.
Open the truck door and let the hot air escape. 
Stupid chart... stops at 100, it was 113 when I got out of work, you do the math, my brain is fried.
I pull down the windshield heat reflectors.
Pretty useless if you ask me.
Now it is time to wait until the A/C cools the steering wheel off enough to actually touch.
Finally time to roll.

Windows down until I hit Topicana. 
Watch for this... lots cars giving into the heat.
But wait! How can I watch traffic when I see some dude in the next lane.
Beat up shit box, fading paint on his DIY American Flag paint job, dude with old school ear phones, picking his nose and flicking boogers out the open window...  
No A/C
No Stereo
No Self restraint.
Then I see the Florida plates and it all makes sense.

Funny Somewhat Topical Ecard: It really shouldn't take a hurricane to convince you to evacuate Florida.

I pass the booger hunter.. and go along my merry way.. still on Trop, when I slow down at a green light, because the car in front of me is crawling to turn.. ( Las Vegans make the slowest turns ever.)

I look in the rear view mirror and there is the old faded glory Chevy screeching to a stop so as not to hit me..
Reminiscent of last week on Mt Charleston.

He passes me like I am crazy local.. F#ck you Mister full size head phones.
What are they plugged into anyway, a boombox?

I turn onto Rainbow and that damn car weaves in and out of traffic, gaining nothing.. I stay in my lane, safe and proper and we stop at the same lights.. idiot..

So I did the unsafe thing and took out my ancient cell phone and snapped this shot of him.
Yup the light is still red...
He finally gets away and I am happy.. 
I am happy because I remember the July two years ago..

When I found out that heat can slow down your stop time.. especially in a old vehicle.
And then it bursts into flames!
I think the worst part of my job is the commute, it really does suck.. 

Drive safe everyone.