Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter is easter.

Here are some Easter Pictures that tickled my fancy.
I hope that is a carrot

That Bunny could kill Superman..  if only he had that giant carrot!

I really don't understand?  

Easter Bunny... Creepy since 1901

Even creepier decades later.

So Sexy!

The prop budget must have been tiny.

Wow Dick Cheney is looking awful post White house years.

Hey That's not nice!

This can't be good.
Let's remember what Easter is all about... CANDY!

That is not exciting no matter how you spell it.  

Beatrix Potter was a perv.. . I just don't remember that part.

Please Mr Cheney.. We are over you.. go home and target practice, while you still can.

Happy Easter!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Welcome!.. Goodbye ;(

Last night Mom and pick-up Sarah from the airport.
Surprisingly she has never been to Fremont Street, so on the way home we thought we would give her the full on Saturday night experience.

We were all hungry so we took a quick turn into the McDonald's right off the Strip. 
It is this one here.. Retro.. but it was dark out and far more sketchy.
First thing we note... one register open.  
We stand in the line, rather than be irritated, we realize it's entertainment to wait in this line!

A tall white unkempt woman and a mousy, maybe Mexican immigrant guy were in line ahead of us.
We assume it was a date. A sad, he is going to pay for this one way or the other kind of date.

She tried showing her bilingual skills to the poor schmuck mopping the floor.  "Buenos Dias!" The mop kept moving and the greeting went ignored..  White woman was creepy, best to keep to the task at hand.. either that or not everyone wielding a mop knows Spanish.. Just saying.

In perfect Tweeker English she asks the lone guy behind the counter if the cookies in the display are baked or fried?  Got to appear health conscious in front of your Date/John... who was just standing there with a look of terror in his eyes.

Finally it was our turn, as I am waiting for the order, Some European tourist is trying to explain to the manager that he lost his hamburger..  Heavy accent and making no sense, the manager gives him a phone number and walks away..
We will get right on that case of the missing hamburger.

Our order was not Delicious.

Fries were burnt and cold. Bun was heating light abused and they claimed to out of napkins and had one to spare between the three of us.

Other things witnessed at that Micky D's.

A Milli Vanilli wanna be.
Except ours was dirty and had a bad case of I am stuck in the 90's
His woman with the weave that could hide Bella.

A toothless guy gumming his way through a cheese burger,

And some clean cut looking guy. That had a Bulldog in the restaurant.. feeding him fries.

We burped, wiped our hands on our jeans and took off.

Fremont Street awaits! 

It was chilly out.. Lucky for Mom Sarah remembered to bring her cape that Topher bought her in San Antonio!

Did I say cape?
What I meant to say was...

Angry Birds blankie!

Even with all the commotion and characters hanging out on Fremont. Mom managed to turn heads..
These birds were indeed angry.

I asked Sarah. "Remember when we were teenagers and Mom would embarrass us?"
If we only knew then what the future would bring!

Our touristy time was quick.. a fast tour of the Drag Queen bar and bowling .. Heart Attack Grill,  Bon jovi on the giant LED screen, and a whorish Miss Piggy.  Amazing what you can see in under a hour there.

It was the middle of the night for Big Sister so we sent her to bed.
Photo: Bella is helping me decorate for Sarah!    Shhhhhh.  Its a surprise!
Flamingo Bed!
This morning Mom and Sarah left for Reno.. Her time with me was brief,  but long enough to confirm...

Monday, March 18, 2013

What's that buzzing sound?

Anyone who has talked to Mom in the past week, knows that Chester the Molester paid her a visit.
He tried to sell her a bed... a $5,800 dollar bed that cured all ailments that the senior set might encounter.
(She just wanted the free pillow that was promised for listening.)

This bed will make you live for ever.  And cure all bowel troubles..  (Old people like hearing that.)

He was giving her the hard sale... she wasn't having any of it..
So like any good sales man, her decided to try the creepy approach.

Let's try some sleeping positions... off to the bedroom.
As Mom was telling the story, this is where I wanted to hold my head.. 
So it wouldn't explode..
He actually thought that having her lay in on her bed, pillows propped just so and *Gasp* a hand held vibrator would get him the sale.
(Simulating the effect of the $$$ bed he was hocking.)

Yes a vibrator.. a innocent muscle relaxer.. what did you think?

I really don't know what she said about the vibrator. I blocked it out, like all those freaky church memories I suppress from childhood.

Needless to say. That bed was not bought. 
Not here anyway.. Even when the price was eventually cut in half.

And the more Mom thought about his unethical sales pitch and demonstration, the more we all know there is a nasty e-mail or phone call being composed in her head.  It will happen.
She can try anyway.

Fast forward today... a suspicious catalog arrived in the mail... the kind that targets the older set

Overpriced crap.

This is my personal favorite useless prize

But that is not the part that made my tummy turn.. it was when Mom yelled out..

'Why am I getting a catalog with VIBRATORS???'
Truly I was thinking the 'back massagers'...
Really its for my sore muscles.

Nope I was wrong.  So wrong.. tucked in the pages of feel good vitamins and ankle supports there was this...   
I won't display the pages.  Just know that this is your warning, click at your own risk... and think of Mom looking at this and giggling.

Strangely her first thought was, which one of my kids put me on this mailing list???
I think that if anyone of us set her up on a mailing list it would be more blatant than a Feel Good sketchy health store catalog..

I place full blame on Creepy Sales Guy... 

So remember... a free pillow can really cost more than its worth.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Mike came into town yesterday.
As Mom anticipated his visit, she also prepared her list for him.

The same type of lists that we received growing up.. a list of chores that need to be done before we could go out and play..
For the record. Matt was the fastest at completing the list.. a little Taz that wouldn't let a floor that needed mopping stand in his way for long.

It was the worst part of the weekend..... take back... Church was the worst part of the weekend.

Mikes list this weekend included helping me bath Bella.... Oh yes we did!
It wasn't a good time for all or any... I almost would have gone to Sunday School to avoid this much need task.... Almost.

After much debate on how the best way to save our skin and clean the kitty.. We bit the bullet filled the tub and dunked her.. 
I must say she wasn't happy, but her frantic little brain forgot that angry cats scratch and cause itchy bloody lines on the offending human..

We all walked away unharmed and no ambulances need to be called.

A wet Bella is hilarious and pathetic.
Now knowing that we had a mad cat who wanted to sulk..... 
we waited until the still soaking wet kitty settled into Mikes bed and we escaped...
We could do that, because is isn't 1976 and  Mike didn't have to finish his list before we went out to play.
We are adults after all. 

So with the sun shinning and the cat angry and sequestered in the house we slipped away off to Valley of Fire!
Mike doing his Arnold impersonation, cause Arnold filmed here once upon a time.
It's close.

Don't be fooled. not as comfy as it looks.
This old dwelling was build by people years ago... I am sure there is a story but  I haven't a clue what it is... I didn't read the sign in the parking area.

Oh look! It's Moms new condo,

This etched by either century old natives, or really good modern day taggers. 
 One of the highlights of the day was when we saw a guy pulled over and taking pictures at nothing spectacular.. then Chell thought to look closer and sure enough, there was Big horn sheep hanging out watching the cars go by.  Good catch Chell!  Real nature I tell ya!

Pose pretty!  I actually took this shot... I did not steal it from Nature Channels website.

It was a nice day for a such an adventure.. the weather was perfect. The company grand! 

I would do today again.... Bella would not.