Sunday, July 28, 2013


Lots of people hate going to the dentist.

I fear going to the demonic office marked DDS.

Hey don't judge, it's real.
I fear it so much I will let the pain linger for months before making and breaking a appointment.
My brain says," Just go! The pain will stop and it's over with in short order."
My other brain says... "Fuck you, smart side of the brain"

So as a result, things get neglected. And there are consequences!
A couple teeth get pulled and I  freak out the Periodontist, as he works to save the rest of my teeth.
I may have cried, hyperventilated, and squirmed just a bit. 

 Lesson learned....
If a week of mashed potatoes and soup don't convince both sides of my brain, this will.

Even with insurance, the out of pocket the cost of this torture could have bought the following. 
A zippy death trap..  when you're smooshed on the road you don't care about your teeth.

A vacation on the beach! 
This house in Detroit.
I'm not making this up.  Detroit real estate is depressing. 

Fuel for the year.

Prettier than the crap in my mouth.

And a case or two of dental floss!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Out, damn'd spot! out, I say!

We all have our little stashes.

The kids don't need to know.

Trust me the kids do know.
Recently I discovered Chell has her own secret stash.
Not a back issues of Lesbian porn, or zip lock baggies full of pot.
It could be Oregano???  Not.

My girl has a soap addiction... 
Bars of soap stashed everywhere!
Here is some of the actual hoard.


If I lose her in the grocery market or Target, I head to the soap aisle.
I have had to resort to distracting her in the store...  there is enough soap in the house.
Move along! There is nothing to see here!

I will get worried if I start seeing these.

Old lady decorative soaps.

Not delicious.
Hello? Hello, Who's there?  Mr. Clean, is that you?

What! Wait a minute.. I might need some of this.

Who modeled for these Boobies soap on a rope?  

Everyone teases Chell for her clean obsession, but truth be known, she smells nice! 

There are far worse vices. 

Lather on Girl!