She was inspired by what she read and asked if she could use my blog to get her humble opinion out there.
Disclaimer.. the following words are hers, not mine, though I agree.
The Commander and Chief.
What did Obama inherit from George Bush in 2008?
America was on the brink of disaster.
A mortgage mess-
Banks failing-
Big Companies like GM, Ford and Chrysler ready to fold-
And don't forget the war.
While I am on my soap box let me say this..After watching for the last 4 years I know for sure that the Senators and Congress women and men are not looking to promote what is good for US citizens, but their own agenda.
I know I am old. I don't have the intestinal fortitude or the stamina to get this Country moving forward. That is a job for younger people with a lot of energy.
So why do we keep electing old people to run our country?
They are old, tired and don't show up to work, because who knows, maybe they did not poop that day....
You know old people are obsessed with pooping.
Seniors are contrary
Whats all this talk about women's rights? |
The following information I gleamed from the NY Times.
Barrack Obama has earned another term.
The economy is slowly recovering. President Obama has made impressive achievements despite the wall of refusal by the Senate and Congress so intent on stopping him, that they run the risk of pushing the nation into a depression and hobbled economic recovery.
Heath Care
President Obama has achieved the most sweeping health care reform since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. Starting in 2014 insurers must accept all applicants including pre-existing conditions,
Who me? I'm as healthy as a horse...... |
The Economy.
President Obama prevented another Great Depression. The economy was cratering when he took office in 2009.
The 840 billion stimulus bill- Republicans say if failed, but it created and preserved 25 million jobs and prevented unemployement from reaching 12% nation wide. Poverty would have been worse without billions spent on Medicaid, food stamps and jobless benefits.
Sorry clowns you are on your own. |
President Obama and his administration have been resolute in attacking Al Queda's leadership, including killing Osama Bin Laden.
He has gathered international backing for air strikes during the Libyan uprising and kept American Military forces in the background.
Civil Rights.
President Obama has reversed the Bush administrations policies that chipped away at minorities voting rights and fought laws like the ones in Arizona that seek to turn undocumented immigrants into a class of criminals.
The Military odious "Don't ask, don't tell" rule was finally legislated out of existence.
It took Obama sometime to do it, but he overcame his hesitation about same sex marriage and declared his support!
I could go on but I will stop.
Regarding Romney.... my lips are sealed.
Bye now, Love you all!
Just as a side note, I included a article from this mornings paper that struck all of us as super sweet..