Sunday, October 28, 2012

When Mom reads the New York Times.

This morning Mom woke to her new Sunday morning tradition.. Reading the Sunday New York Times.
She was inspired by what she read and asked if she could use my blog to get her humble opinion out there.

Disclaimer.. the following words are hers, not mine, though I agree.

The Commander and Chief.

What did Obama inherit from George Bush in 2008?

America was on the brink of disaster.
A mortgage mess-
Banks failing-
Big Companies like GM, Ford and Chrysler ready to fold-
And don't forget the war.

While I am on my soap box let me say this..After watching for the last 4 years I know for sure that the Senators and Congress women and men are not looking to promote what is good for US citizens, but their own agenda.

I know I am old. I don't have the intestinal fortitude or the stamina to get this Country moving forward. That is a job for younger people with a lot of energy.  
So why do we keep electing old people to run our country?
They are old, tired and don't show up to work, because who knows, maybe they did not poop that day....
You know old people are obsessed with pooping.
Seniors are contrary 

Whats all this talk about women's rights? 
We are a strong and  great Country. I know it will be hard to get term limits on Congress and The Senate, but we can do it!

The following information I gleamed from the NY Times.
Barrack Obama has earned another term. 
The economy is slowly recovering. President Obama has made impressive achievements despite the wall of refusal by the Senate and Congress so intent on stopping him, that they run the risk of pushing the nation into a depression and hobbled economic recovery.

Heath Care
President Obama has achieved the most sweeping health care reform since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. Starting in 2014 insurers must accept all applicants including pre-existing conditions,

Who me? I'm as healthy as a horse......
I for one am very thankful to have Medicare, they took good care of my Husband from hospitalization to Hospice.

The Economy.
President Obama prevented another Great Depression. The economy was cratering when he took office in 2009. 
The 840 billion stimulus bill- Republicans say if failed, but it created and preserved 25 million jobs and prevented unemployement from reaching 12% nation wide. Poverty would have been worse without billions spent on Medicaid, food stamps and jobless benefits.

Sorry clowns you are on your own.
Foreign Affairs.
President Obama and his administration have been resolute in attacking Al Queda's leadership, including killing Osama Bin Laden.

He has gathered international backing for air strikes during the Libyan uprising and kept American Military forces in the background.

Civil Rights.
President Obama has reversed the Bush administrations policies that chipped away at minorities voting rights and fought laws like the ones in Arizona that seek to turn undocumented immigrants into a class of criminals.

The Military odious "Don't ask, don't tell" rule was finally legislated out of existence.

It took Obama sometime to do it, but he overcame his hesitation about same sex marriage and declared his support!

I could go on but I will stop.

Regarding Romney.... my lips are sealed.

Bye now, Love you all!

Just as a side note, I included a article from this mornings paper that struck all of us as super sweet..

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Saints and Sinners.

This morning Vicki talked Mom into going to Church...
Now don't get excited all you Utah folks.. this was a modern revival, Preacher on the big screen Church.
Let's hear your love and devotion!
This is the same Church that has celebrity speakers..

Tim Tebow has spoke there.

Coming soon to a Church near you!
So after a saintly morning..  It was Moms turn to pick the sinners event.

Vicki is not a big gambler.. but that may have all changed tonight... two dollars invested turned into Money, Money. Money!

We like converting the good at heart into our way of thinking!
No matter the activity I think they both had a good day in new adventures!

Hey Chell! Good luck tomorrow!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Let's celebrate life a little!

Mom took her cousins to Utah to do Utah things..

I imagine scapbooking and board games are in involved.

Meanwhile back here at the house.. Bella is fighting the neighbor Bully

Bella can take him... damn cat

Chell and I decided to go out and play some slots... a hour or two later we were both richer!
It's more fun when you win!

Since we won at the slots, and we were hungry we set off to find food.

A couple of rich girls with cash in our pockets... sorry Buffet you lose.

We chose a place that we drive by all the time, and thought we would check it out.

 Big Dog's Draft House.... Its more than just Micro-brew.. The food was good... the company even better! 

And a big puppy!!!!!!!!!!

It's been a good night!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Again with the rain in Vegas... all week long, and it got brrrrr.

So out came jeans and long sleeves...
But Hell, its only October, so along with the sunny skies and increase of degrees..

The wind blew in Mom's cousins..
House guests!

Mom is on her best behavior.. well that lasted a hour or two..  now June is entertaining two from Gettysburg, by just being June.

She found really, really cheap rooms on the Strip for tonight.. So they are staying in the thick of neon as tourist do.

$24.00 a night is cheap, right? and it isn't even a crappy hotel!

I was a little worried that P-nut would try to pack Bella up for a road trip.

Bella likes road trips...

And hanging with her friends.....

Playing craps is fun for kitties!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Trader Joe's the reviews

Everyday on my crappy commute home from work, I pass the magical land of Trader Joe's!

Here are my reviews of yesterdays purchases.

It was small and nothing to get excited about.
Chell ate hers with extra KC Masterpiece and shredded cabbage on top... she does stuff like that.

Yummy yummy yummy.. they make Ritz cry.
Then we dipped them in this,,,
Kinda like the french onion dip that you mix up in the 70's with sour cream and powder onion flavor stuff.
Made me think of New Years Eve cira 1975.

We haven't tried the sipping chocolate yet.. it's seasonal and just arrived for the cold weather... (It's a brrrrr 68 degrees out there.)
I paid $4.99, so don't get scammed on ebay!

Going to have some later to ward off the chill!
I can sip hot chocolate and eat these...

Another winner... cinnamonlious! 
I don't need to review the coffee... It's coffee and its good!  Life sustaining in fact!  

Oh but my Utah friends... don't be all sad and think 'Why can't I shop at TJ's?'  Because soon you can!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Weekends are to be enjoyed

It was a pretty weekend, finally cool enough to do some yard work and think about planting the grass.... again.

Grow damn you!
The patch where grass once was, has become a giant littler box... and that won't do.
And I suspect that Bella has been using it as a dump site for  neighborhood  cats.
Chell and I removed the giant weed like tree out front.. loaded it in the truck and headed to the dreaded dump.... lesson learned yesterday... don't go to the dump on Saturday.

No no no.. we had the tree in the truck.

I'm just glad that the weather is cooling down  a little... Just enough to open windows at night and let in a cool breeze.

It's not so hot that pretty flowers like these in front of the store can  bloom without sizzling.
It's a good time of year!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy October!

It that time of year when the days get shorter, the air a little crisper and pumpkins start taking up space on every retailers shelves.

Early Bird Special
Nice shiny clean pumkins!

A busy time of year for sure..

as you shop for those Halloween costumes..
Rake your leaves and carve you oh so wrong Jack-o-lantern.
This one is for you Topher. & Mikey

Don't forget to do the one thing that counts.....


Time is ticking.. and it is a proven fact that nobody cares what you think about anything, if you don't cast your vote!

This one is for Sarah.. 

And this for Chell
Can't  vote if you don't register...   (Unless you support Romney then I understand if you are too busy to vote.)