Turn on any media outlet and you find the finger pointing.
The hate and the unrest.
Mass shooting for some hidden or ugly agenda.
Romney and Obama taking over the airways, spending more money in a minute than I will ever see in my bank account.
So I sit back and say to myself, 'Is living in this world so bad?'
Here it is, my August 8th top five things I am thankful for.
1- I have a job that is not so bad. At a company that seems to care. All the August Birthday people got Birthday balloons and....
A Gift Certificate for coffee!!!! |
On hot days they hand out Ice cream, over time means donuts and pizza... not so bad.
2- I live in the funtastic place called Vegas. A place where people travel to from all over the world to visit.
They hottest bands play here, the 'Where are they now' bands play here.
Yes I am talking about you. |
And best of all, it's not that kid friendly.
Unless you want to explain this to your first grader. |
3- I have the best family ever.. a group of fools that know how to play, get silly, and hold on to each other when things get tough. We laugh through the tears and laugh through the jokes. I think I will keep them all.
Oops, Wrong family. |
4- Topher, Josh and Mike are coming to Vegas later this month.. I look forward to seeing these big bad fools! I am so excited!
5- I have the best partner ever.. Kind, loving, intense, fun, cute, caring, feeling, sweet, veggie loving Chell.
How can I let the world get me down when I have her?
So there you go... I have 5 great reasons to smile..