Friday, June 29, 2012

The lost art of letters.

In this world of gadgets, texting, emails and Skype. 

It's funny that a institution that relies on the latest technology, doesn't allow its new recruits use such newfangled gadgets.

We are on our way to save you!.
What? Wait...
More like this.... varoooooooooooommm!  

In this age, where schools no longer teach cursive writing, Chad and everyone that wants to communicate with him, needs to remember how to hold a pen.

What does that say????   I need Roscher to translate.
Mom is on her quest to amuse him, and was rewarded with this!

 Something nice about getting a hand written letter for sure!
Now the question is, what will Mom send  next to her Grandson????

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Data entry can be naughty.

Most the stuff we carry at Marshall Retail Group is touristy and over priced fashion.
$300.00 'Get Lucky' little black dresses.

$80.00 bras to wear under it all.

But some of the stores like to mix it up with silly, naughty stuff.
It looks like lip stick, but so much better.

Actual Baby not included.. they are a bitch to warehouse
Sometimes I will be furiously matching up packing lists to enter receipts and the word penis or boobies will catch my eye.

Special handling required so the penis doesn't melt and make a mess.
So stuff for our Harley stores only get a big yawn.

But it sure sells.
So today at lunch I sat down next to a talky mouth woman who works processing all this stuff, she was reading her Bible...
Yup, on of those who takes out the Good Book any and all the time.. 

Does she read it to purify her thoughts from phallic chocolate, or is she naive and really thinks that we carry overpriced lipstick?
 One day if I actually have time to get bored at work, I guess I can walk around and amuse myself with our inventory.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Kendra is real!

Rather than stare at each other, wishing there was something good on TV. 
Mom, Chell and I headed down to Fremont Street!

Saturday night and the place was rock'n. 
Literally, 3 stages with live hair band cover music!
Awful? Sure, but that is Fremont streets theme this Summer.
Ya know you want to come see them live and for free!
After walking around for awhile, nickles spent...
We decided to get Airman Chad a bunch of postcards and have random character sign them for him..

The picture is blurry because I was shaking from fear... stupid,  useless clowns.

Mom with a almost naked Indian signing the card on her back.
And don't tell me it's 'Native American', he signed the card "Indian."

I will sign your petition if you sign my card! 
Then we headed to the end of Fremont, up the elevator to the Drink and Drag.

Mom got carded at the door!

I am guessing that because it is June, the Queens were all dressed in Wedding  Gowns.

I bet Chad is the only Cadet in boot camp that get a bunch of postcards from Las Vegas.
Signed by Showgirls, cross dressers and Indians..... Sent by their Grandmother..

Friday, June 22, 2012

Images to carry with you through the weekend

This one is for you Marti!

This note on a young family's check.
This one is for JC, who has been known to pay for random folks dinners at restaurants.

crazy parenting fails - A Must Read
For Chelsea and Quynn.  If you get a huge Fedex package, don't open it, I sent it before I read this book.
This fat cat
Bella, meet the competition.

For Sarah, being single is better than dating this guy.. Celebrate the single life... or just never go on  okcupid.
I just doesn't get better.

To the buff, factual ass brother of mine!


Why did these animals ruin these pictures?
Seal Photo bomb!  For you Topher!

For Chell, so we can do the CSI thing right tomorrow!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's getting hot in here.

So take off all your clothes.
 - This & That
Oh goody a chance of rain!

It's hot in Vegas.

Feels like Summer... good thing, cause it is Summer.

As my wise Chell said today.. 
You can't shovel sunshine!
So scoff at our 110 degree heat..  but....

Who will be laughing in December????

Even Elvis knows the heat is worth the easy winters!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Quick Call C.S.I.

Chell and I loaded up our cameras and headed out to Lake Mead and The Valley of Fire.

Minutes into the adventure we stopped to take some pictures of road side memorial  markers.

As soon as we got out of the truck, we were like wow, these markers actually smell like death.

What we stumbled upon was some sort of animal serial killers dumping ground.
Freaking me out... what the fuck???

Wholly dead animals...
I didn't get a lot of shots, it was so macabre.   
But Chell being the curious and less afraid of such things, climbed down the little ravine, where people had dumped mattresses and horses and goats.

Did you read that????   Goats and horses!!!!!

Seriously it was the most freaky thing ever.... And if you should doubt me, she has the photographic proof.
I don't know what is in that bag, but it is still oozing in the 102 degree desert.
The smell of death is still lingering in my nose...

But we couldn't let the slaughter and sacrifice of a few creatures impede our day..

We kept rolling... and the beauty of the day help ease the harshness of the massacre.

Kind of like the parks  in Utah, but zero crowds..  

Seven Sisters picnic spot.. 

All you doubter that say I don't gamble why would I go to Vegas?
Just a short drive away and you have this...

The lack of people is amazing.. 
It was and fun and interesting day... Good views (Except for you know, the dead animals.)  
And great Company..  What more could a girl want???

Friday, June 15, 2012

Here Kitty Kitty

So before Mom decided to go to Reno, she promise Doug her tenant, that she would watch his cat.
What you looking at?
He is a Tuxedo cat, named Tuxedo.
So since she can't watch the little black and white bundle of energy from the Northern regions of Nevada.
Chell and I get that job.

Not complaining, just saying.

The kitten is so happy when we go over and check on him,
 in and out of our feet.  Trying to get us to fall and break a leg so we will stay.
Who me? I am innocent I tell ya!

And I know he is bored, cause he has knocked over all the plants and attacked the fake trees in there.

I would spend more time with him, but I hate hanging out in peoples cribs when they aren't there. 

Plus I get bored real quick..
So why not bring him over here? Let him have a little human company..

This is why not... Bella is a Bitch!
She doesn't see the joy in playing with other felines, she just sees competition for petting and food distribution.

So I think, I will put her outside, she will never know..  

 She can hang out in her zero gravity lounger, naive to the Kitten inside..

Fatal flaw in this plan... I forgot to close the blinds to the sliding glass door.  Tuxedo was here only 5 minutes when we heard the howl, eerily like a tortured child sounding cry....

I'm sure several neighbors had their fingers hitting 911 it was that loud...

She wins!  Tuxedo is lonely tonight.
Maybe I will put her on craigslist.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hi Mikey!

Mom packed up Sassy and hit the road.

Off to Reno again. Nobody is surprised, after all Mike is the favorite.

Even if he is a goof ball!
Why would she want to leave Las Vegas and its 110 degree heat?

It's not like its 115 out.... yet.

Now that Chell and I have the house to ourselves, we can take advantage of the time and do things like
clean up all the Porn on the computer.

I wish she would stop downloading that that stuff, slows down the computer.

It's great she is getting out and visiting her kids, but I kinda miss seeing my siblings.
I hate the reason that everyone came out last year...
But I loved the time spent with my tribe.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What a cry baby.

Last year Floyd Mayweather smacked around his babies Momma.
It's a evil crime and it happens all the time right? 

But it gets way ugly when the dude with the fist looks like this.
Men should never hit a woman..  professional fighters should never hit  anyone outside of the ring.
Yup! A first class Ass.

He admits it, took a few swings at her in front of their kids.

She looks like she can take it.  What's the problem?
He goes to court and get sentenced to a whole 30 days.. 
 (Shouldn't a prize fighter be charged with attempted murder?)

But wait!  
The Judge says you don't have to go to jail until after your big fight in May...
It's good for the local economy he says..  
Good for Mayweathers wallet too, did you think of that Judge?
He's not the only fighter in town... Stupid.
Judge Judy would never pull a lame move like that.
So twelve days ago he started his started his sad sentence.. in jail at last..

But wait!

Now he is crying that he isn't getting enough calorie intake. 

No work out time, cause the nice jailers are keeping him out of general population.

His physical conditioning is deteriorating because of the stress of being in a jail cell.

So now he is asking to be put under house arrest, because he might never fight again..  Waaaahhhh..

He should be banned from boxing!
He should be left out in General population, and let whatever happens happen.
He should shut up and be thankful that he got such a light sentence.. 
What a cry baby.
Just saying.

Okay, I am done with my rant.. 
But it is my blog.... my soap box.