Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Talent Hoarding

Since I live with a senior citizen, I have been watching 'America's Got Talent'
 I admit I am a fan of Howard Stern, even though he pretty much tanks in this venue.
Let's face facts, the man belongs on radio, away from the cameras.

Watching the hacks that audition, I was thinking that this family has more talent than those fools.

Rhone and Janets family alone, would blow them out of the theater.
Quynn sets the guitars on fire.. when he isn't banging the piano.

Amy on the harp.                                     

Wait not Harps Lager..            
This kind you play outside in a open field.
Stephanie with her awesome voice.
La la la la la..
And little Jessica with the flute
Bet she never hears that reference..
Sarah also sings.. recently in a choir singing Ode to Joy.. (I think..)
Rhone and Mom tickle the ivory's 

Mart, Matt, Topher, Mike and I are probably better suited for The Amazing Race or Big Brother..

Because those people are so annoying, and that can be fun!

It will be fun to see what talents the next generation bring!

I beg you Chelsea keep Ada away from pageants!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

We Failed.

Chell and I thought it would be oh so funny to play a joke on Mom..

While she was in Atlanta we gathered information on committing your old Mother to a rest home.. Or mental hospital.. whichever. 
Pretty good joke, right???
Nope, first of all we went the extra mile and visited nursing homes asking for brochures on their establishments.

And we saw shit like this..
Fenced in court yards and.....

Crappy old beds chained up. like someone would steal them..  

I was getting depressed, Chell had to remind me we weren't really placing mom in these places.. 

Good thing because I couldn't visit... the smells..  feces and ammonia and cafeteria food... Gag.

So we get home and start printing up shit, making lists and leaving them around the house...
And this letter..

Mom didn't say anything.. we started sweating it, thinking she thought that we were really going to send her away..  we confessed..

Turns out she was so tired from her early flight that she didn't think much of it.
Apparently retired folks get all sorts of reminders that they are old in the mail, and she just thought it was stuff people actually sent.

Who you calling old???

Mom is young at heart and I don't have the heart to send her away.. but next time I think I will stick to Flamingos and Hooker jokes!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Drag out fun

After working all week, Chell and I decided to have some fun.
Time to check out a new place on Fremont street.
Oh yes we did! 

Bowling and a staff of Drag Queens! Glittery

Lots of pool tables for the Lesbians!

Bling Bowling... 

Mid Western folks waiting to get in, do ya think they know what kind of place this is??

Me and the sweet bar keep.. She/He was nice .
It was still early so we had our $5  soda water and headed back out to the other freaks.

This guy is a accountant during the work week..

Just kidding he is a freak 24/7.

Fremont street is way boozy...

I won't lie, I kissed Chell in front of this guy... He was not amused.

We tried real hard to get arrested.

Every couple of feet or so was someone in a wheelchair with a cardboard sign.. sad.

Funny Mr. T looks so much taller on the TV

Hey lady you are in Vegas... What did you expect?

And then there was this moment of cute.

I had a great day!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Guess who is having a Birthday today???????
Mommies little daughter!!!!

Fun facts about Marti:

She actually likes nature... *Shiver*

On secluded Islands no less...  scare me!
Marti is her Fathers daughter for sure..


She can fix things.. knows how to grab life's little joys...  takes the time to help others.. and loves a new adventure.

While we all like to think that we are giving to the greater good when we drop our change off in those little boxes and cash registers..

Marti actually gives her time and makes a difference hands on!

Marti is socially and politically aware, and she will tell you exactly what she thinks..  Hum, Just like Dad again..

She is my big sister and the closest to me in age.. We might tease her a lot, but in this family it just means that we love you!

A woman with a big heart and a need to help others, I am lucky to have her as my Sis!!!!

Even if you were, I would still love ya!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Infant care.

With Rhones family sprouting babies, I thought I would give my baby care advise.

Every new parent loves to be told how to raise their offspring, right?

Taking baby home.. there are several ways to get the little bundle of joy home.
Secure with love and a smile.

It is strapped in!

Treat infant as luggage.

If you only have a Vespa use protective plastic bag.
Playing with baby is important.
Too big to swallow and bright pretty colors.




I know that babies can be loud and stinky..
Try to resist the urge.... 

There is a better way!
No tattoos...
Oh sure it's cute now.... 
She will regret it when she is 12.
And no tattoos for the proud parents... it never comes out right.

Laser removal anyone???
Most of all have fun and enjoy the bundles of joy!
Life is good!
Welcome to the family little Ada.