When Mom got home from Reno she was welcomed by a notice from the IRS.
After waiting for the tax day to come and go, hoping to get someones full attention, she called the IRS.
Waited, gave up.
Called again.
Waited and waited, gave up.
And so it goes.
What's worse that a court subpoena? |
Time to bite the bullet, and head on down to the actual IRS office. Downtown... in a building that is tucked away in a maze of road construction.
If your knees are arthritic, the only place to park is in the $6.00 a hour parking garage. |
When you go to a government building, you expect to wait.
Armed with books we just hoped that we could get in and out before we ran out of pages...
We walk in the building and about 50 folks are hanging out.. the number being served is showing, just like the DMV.
But there is no little thingy to take a number. |
So we go ask the Bitch Government employed woman sitting at a desk.
Who tells us that she only gives out ten numbers at a time.. WTF???
Then how do you know when its your turn?
She points to a sign that has some tape over it and says.
"When the sign has this on it we are not giving out numbers... Call the help line.. come back later.. be here at 8:00am and I have to give you a number or just hang out and hope for the best."
She really said that, and before we could question her methods she continues. "I gave you four options."
It wasn't even close to lunch time yet! |
So seriously what do you do?
Nobody answers the phone. You can't just walk in apparently. But if you are late with your tax issues you get fined, and more fines and that is on top of the ones you already received before you even knew there was a problem.
I am not against paying taxes. I love living in America.. but come on folks it shouldn't be this hard to communicate questions and concerns..
Exasperated, Mom is actually going to drive to Utah, where at least you can get into a office and wait.
The tax issue stem from there anyway, so she can talk to the idiots who prepared her taxes the year in question while she is hanging out in Utah.