Friday, December 30, 2011

I think I will survive..

The last couple of days have been hell! 
Pure hell I tell you.
I knew I was in real trouble yesterday when I couldn't get up. Didn't want coffee, a smoke or a shower.

So sick that I agreed to go to the Doctor..
Now that is ill.
I couldn't breath and my head was going to explode..
was it pneumonia?

Was it bronchitis?
 Some sort of allergy attacked my body.. sending all those icky fluids expanding in my head down into my lungs.. making breathing a effort.
The cat didn't care.
But Mom did.. she has helped nurse me back to the living.
Along with a couple of these.. and 

a  bunch of these..

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Sleeping back in time

I am not sleeping in a sleeping bag and a tent, but Mike did throw me back into the 1970's...
His guestroom is a display of everything that is wrong with the decade he was born...
May I present the 70's room....

What time is it? Oh I see its half past 1974!

Mirrors on the wall! Swinging!

Yummy, tastes like shag carpet and pet rocks

crazy brother..

Thursday, December 22, 2011

How many whore houses do you have to pass to get to Mikes???

We loaded up the car and took off this morning!
Here is a little of what we passed along the way!

This stop offered Aliens, coffee, bathrooms and.............

Museums.... so very classy! Wait there is more.....

I am so going to follow that arrow.

Hey that's not the entertainment I was expecting....

Stupid.. boring Aliens.

Yay! A skanky brothel!

They take credit cards.!!!! Damn.. Closed for the annual changing of the sheets.

Oh well, more road ahead... lots and lots of road.

So many trailers along the route.

Really? Tourist information... this town is all sad and stuff.

Are we there yet? Yawn.

These small towns are what bad movies are based on.. seriously

Good thing we have the Jetta and don't need fuel.

I like the tires on the roof.. (Keeps the roof from rattling in the 363 days of high winds.)

There is good stories to be told about this still alive town.

The old high school.

Nice tree! Happy Holidays, welcome to our hell hole.

Hey they are open! It's a trick, don't go in....

Need a room?
Finally we pass all that Nevada has to offer and make it to Reno...  I asked Mike  where I was sleeping and the Bastard did this.....

A tent? I hate camping!

Please can I have the perfectly fine bed in the other room... ?????

Note shovel with toilet paper... grrrrrrr this girl loves plumbing!

Mom knew he had pulled this prank and never said a word... 8 hours and she kept the secret... I will chuckle all night as I am tucked in to the real bed with real cover!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Who was it?

Who was it?: Test your family knowledge. Take this quiz!

The person with the highest score gets a $2 Walmart gift certificate!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Running out of time?

I thought with time running out, I would throw out a few last minute gift ideas..

Sweaters you can only wear once a year.. Pretty.

For the adolescent male.

Oh Yeah Fuck You Baby Onesie
Only $18.50 you can buy bad taste for your baby and  advertise your  poor parenting skills!

If you know someone with a huge motor coordination problem a adult bib could be the answer.  "Bib aren't just for babies."
Give the gourmet in your life a Scottish delicacy. 
For the narcoleptic in your life.
Show your pet some love.. and diamonds.. and WTF..  Fido can be styling the bling as he sniffs inappropriately. 

Anything Thomas Kinkade !  (Mike really loves this stuff! Trust me.)
The best gift of all is good news....


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Decorating for Christmas

We decided not to put up a tree this year.. 
But that doesn't mean we didn't decorate!
Happy Snow Man!

Snow man with lights!

Oh Yes we did!
The Jetta found the Holiday spirit!
And amused Mom to no end..
She had to show off her 2012 sleigh.. (The glow is green when the flash isn't drowning out the effect.)
Hi Neighbors, guess what we did?

Sometime you just got to have some fun and a little Christmas joy!
What a fun way to try out the outlet in the back seat of the car..

They should have been putting these in cars all along!