Friday, May 18, 2012

What's in a name?

Las Vegas has the Heart Attack grill.

True to it's name a couple of people have had heart attacks while eating in this newly opened restaurant.

Vegas also has a chain of gas station/ corner markets and larger casinos called Terrible's.

And my favorite.
Now that is funny.
Today Mom and I went downtown to look at a condo.. the Realtor was running late, so we thought we would pop into Terribles and grab a bite.. Maybe lose five dollars..
 The place lived up to it's name..
Just Terrible.
The cafe and the buffet are next to each other, we chose wrong... we went with the cafe.
The service was poor... but soon forgotten by the mess they fed us.
how hard is it to screw up a BLT???
The bread was cold and the bacon old and greasy...
Moms soup probably started out as this.

Nah.. that would have tasted better. 
But the best was my soup.
Seafood soup... I love me some seafood, when its good.
This was not.. I figured out the recipe.

First go to the Buffet dumpster.
Pull out the uneaten(? )
Shrimp, kielbasa, and celery.
Put in a bowl and go to the buffets never ending vat of brown gravy and pour generously on top.
Wait until it gets cool and the serve.
They actually served me this.
So I say to Mom, 
"This is the worst soup ever, taste it."
and she did.....

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