Friday, May 25, 2012

Guess who is having a Birthday today???????
Mommies little daughter!!!!

Fun facts about Marti:

She actually likes nature... *Shiver*

On secluded Islands no less...  scare me!
Marti is her Fathers daughter for sure..


She can fix things.. knows how to grab life's little joys...  takes the time to help others.. and loves a new adventure.

While we all like to think that we are giving to the greater good when we drop our change off in those little boxes and cash registers..

Marti actually gives her time and makes a difference hands on!

Marti is socially and politically aware, and she will tell you exactly what she thinks..  Hum, Just like Dad again..

She is my big sister and the closest to me in age.. We might tease her a lot, but in this family it just means that we love you!

A woman with a big heart and a need to help others, I am lucky to have her as my Sis!!!!

Even if you were, I would still love ya!

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARTI! You are so fantastic and knowing that we're related gives me warm fuzzies, along with some other feelings of wanting to get into trouble and trespass onto golf courses...

