Thursday, May 17, 2012

Makes you wonder..

What posses a person to do what they do?
Today Mom was home alone and the door bell rings... when she got to the door nobody was there.
Hey where are you? Who is there? Hellooooooooo.
She decided to go through the garage and see if she could see someone walking away (Surprise, surprise the garage door was open.) 

She didn't need to go far.... Sitting on a chair, in the garage, was a woman hysterical and crying.

Mom couldn't get her to talk sane.. babbles about having nothing and no where to go..
Mom told here that she would grab her phone and get her some help... 
When she came back out to the garage, the woman was gone.
Hey where did she go??????
What did this woman think to gain by knocking on a random door?
She doesn't know that Mom has a bleeding heart.

Well dressed and frantic.. not some meth head tweaking for a fix...
Where is her family? Friends? 

More importantly, will this convince Mom to close the garage door, especially when she is home alone???

Nah, it was open when I got home from work.

I'm so tired of chasing critters out of the garage. 


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