Sunday, May 27, 2012

We Failed.

Chell and I thought it would be oh so funny to play a joke on Mom..

While she was in Atlanta we gathered information on committing your old Mother to a rest home.. Or mental hospital.. whichever. 
Pretty good joke, right???
Nope, first of all we went the extra mile and visited nursing homes asking for brochures on their establishments.

And we saw shit like this..
Fenced in court yards and.....

Crappy old beds chained up. like someone would steal them..  

I was getting depressed, Chell had to remind me we weren't really placing mom in these places.. 

Good thing because I couldn't visit... the smells..  feces and ammonia and cafeteria food... Gag.

So we get home and start printing up shit, making lists and leaving them around the house...
And this letter..

Mom didn't say anything.. we started sweating it, thinking she thought that we were really going to send her away..  we confessed..

Turns out she was so tired from her early flight that she didn't think much of it.
Apparently retired folks get all sorts of reminders that they are old in the mail, and she just thought it was stuff people actually sent.

Who you calling old???

Mom is young at heart and I don't have the heart to send her away.. but next time I think I will stick to Flamingos and Hooker jokes!

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