Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sin City holds true to it's nickname

People come to Las Vegas for many reasons.
Gambling, free booze, tons of adult stores... and the belief that prostitution is legal. (It's not in Clark County.)
Legal or not the 'Escort service' and massage parlors do a great business.
Someone is getting a happy ending.
It this behavior limited to The Strip????
Not at all.
Chells neighbor has a pool also.  A pool you can see clearly from the upstairs bedrooms.
(The neighbor has a single story so she can't see into Chells pool.)
We call her the Avon lady, because the sticker on her car says she is a Avon Lady.
She is usually quiet and keeps to herself, but the days are getting hotter and as the 100 degree weather settles in, pools become a great way to cool off. 
So it goes..the other day the neighbor is making noise out by her pool. So is her male visitor.
Chell looks out the window just in time to see the bathing suit top fly through the air.

Hey Lady you forgot something!

How about that? A free peep show in the burbs.. 

I told Chell she is dead if she comes home smelling like cheap perfume.
Remember these Sweet Honesty  Bears???? Smells like 1973.

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