Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Think you are having a bad day?.

Mom is at the Social Security office. The forth time since September.
1st to tell them that Dad had died.

2nd to ask about a confusing statement that came in the mail, with two different figures on it.

3rd time to give them a check for Dads August payment. That they said if we don't take it out of your account electronically send us a check.

Today because.... they took the money out automatically, even though there was a check floating out there with Uncle Sams name on it.. Then she stopped payment on that check, because they took the money anyway. Then yesterday they put the money back in her account. 

I bet that is going to be a fun one to explain.

Add to that the Infiniti woes. The mechanic fixed the original problems.. and took it out for a spin to make sure.
Uh oh.. apparently the engine mountings are nonexistent.  Another $900. Shit shit shit shit damn.
She told them to hold off, and called Mikey. He says that is a lot for engine mountings. 
She called them this morning to say she needs to think about it.. but it is kind of a big deal.. it sucks when your engine rattles around under the hood.
That's what engine mountings look like... I had no clue either.
It suck for Mom, these matters were always decided after discussions between her and Dad. 
It's a good thing she has seven kids to bounce ideas off of.
Expect a call.

It has not been a good day for mumsy.

So being the faithful daughter that I am, I'm going to get on a plane and leave her here alone with her problems. 

 She has the truck and the little convertible she can drive. She won't be stuck in the house with only Bella to torment.

1 comment:

  1. With Mikey's knowledge and my time to do research we will get her on the right track.
