Sunday, October 16, 2011

A new chapter.

I needed to start a new blog.

I miss writing it, but trunk cheese was all about Mom and Dad and the cruel reality of pancreatic cancer.. Stupid cancer won, yet we all go on. The way it should be.
I chose life is stranger than fiction, because being the avid reader that I am, I tend to see the people I know as characters.
Including myself.
This week we took the Infiniti in for some work. Among its many aches and pains the guy told Mom that the spark plugs were pooling with leaking gasoline.. And it could be a explosive problem.

I figure I can blow up one car before Mike starts calling me Stephanie Plum.. but if the Infiniti blew while I was driving..... all bets are off.

Fire Infiniti G35 Image
We escaped that one!
Mom and I are doing okay here in Vegas, not to say that there are not moments. Of course there are.
The other day Mom was looking at a new car and in the middle of haggling she started to cry. The brain thinks, "Hey I have never shopped for a car without Bob." and the water works start.

The sales folks were all a little confused, promising that they could do better on the price.. "Please don't cry lady. We will throw in the mud flaps, they really come with the car anyway."
They weren't going to let her drive home..

And speaking of crazy, the neighbor finally got locked out of her house.. talk about characters.
She accused Mom, the other neighbor , and myself of breaking into her house and stealing items.
Anyone who knows me, agrees that can't be true... First of all I don't steal. And second her house is really really gross.. and gross is not my friend.. I won't even go in.
I know who it was!

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