Monday, October 17, 2011

Yay! Vegas!

One of the things I love about living in this city is there is always something of interest going on.
Just turn on the TV and Vegas' famed race way is on the national news. 
Okay that was really sad. Rest in Peace Dan Wheldon.
But if I actually liked car racing it would be cool to have a NASCAR race track so near.

We are also gearing up for the Republican debate.
Tomorrow all the non-boycotting wannabe's will be in town.

I won't lie Republicans scare me. I won't be attending.

I am not the world traveler that Mom and my brothers are, but I have been to Venice. So I was a little confused by the story in this mornings paper.
This Christmas season they are going to turn the canals at the Venetian into a ice skating rink. 
Gondola Zamboni!
 Since we are in the desert and it rarely goes below freezing the "ice" will be some sort of synthetic material that simulates the skating experience. For only $19.00 you can fake skate for 15 minutes in front of a fake city!  

Bet the New York, New York wish they had thought of it first! 

I make fun, but I bet Omaha wasn't mentioned once this week in the national news! 

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