Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Where are my thermals?

Boarding pass is printed and I am ready to roll..
Tomorrow I get on one of those flying buses and head off to cooler ground.
Going to the square state.
I know it's going to be cold.. anyone who knows me, knows how much I hate the Brrrrrrrrr.

65 degrees is cold.. don't tell me different.

But guess what? Cold or not I am glad to be going.. Get to go see my girl!

Mom is staying here to cat sit.
She tells me Bella is spoiled.. and she is.
Mom spoils her the most.
I hope she doesn't get into trouble when I am gone.
Rhone and Janet are coming this weekend to keep Mom company.
I'm going to warn you two, if Mom talks you into a game of Monopoly, watch her.. she cheats.
Don't let her be the banker.

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