Monday, July 23, 2012

Wearing out the mute button.

This is the season, the season of slinging mud and getting down and dirty.
Oh if only!

I am talking about political ads.
Have mercy on us!

Whenever the ad comes on with Romney singing, the mute button can't be hit fast enough. 
So let's look at the lighter side of politics.. as only the internet can show us.
Well said Ed

First Orthodox Jewish Woman to Run for New York State Senate Uses Sparkly Pink Website, LMFAO to Lure Voters [UPDATE]
Okay so she is young and looks like a cross between a oompa loompa and a Jersey shore cast member. I would vote for her... At least she is different.

Who you calling common? 

 Wheelie Boobies!

Hey Mitt! See what happens when you pollute youtube with your ads...  So much money you just throw it out there  without looking at your demographics!  

Whatever your views, just remember to vote.

It's as American as Pin-up girls and broken campaign promises.

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