Saturday, July 14, 2012

Amused moment of the day.

After a fun time elbowing our way through the Fiesta buffet..
Chell and I took our full tummies to the slots.

No big wins, but lots of small ones that let us play for a while,  Chell walked out richer.
Me, just five dollars poorer. 
Lincoln approves!
The people inside the casino were almost as much entertainment as the games.
As we were walking out, I get a little nudge.. that silent communication  that scream.
"Look at that."
And I did.
Two very large women in very little clothing climb out of a truck.

Kinda like this with out the lighting and photo tricks. 
But wait!They weren't just climbing out of a truck, but a old shitty truck.
Sweet ride ladies!
 Wait! Inside the bed of the truck was a old icky stained mattress.

But my favorite part of the whole fantastic scene was that we saw this all, as the women were having their mobile Den of Iniquity Valet Parked.

I figured they used that mattress for a few extra bucks 'wink wink' and decided to live the Fiesta high life!

Maybe if they win tonight they can take the night off.

I already do!
They need to make a living too.

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