Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My favorite Independence Day

One of my childhood memories that stands out is the Summer I turned 10.
The same Summer that America turned 200.

36 damn years ago these came out! 36!! yikes.
That year Mom and Dad were kid weary, or daughter weary anyway.. and shipped the girls off to Port Orchard, Washington.  
To Grandma's house we go!
Grandma and Ken were full of adventure and our days were filled with berry picking, trips to the Airport, just to watch the planes come in.. 

Hunting sand dollars on the freezing beaches.
Chasing little crabs on the stinky Puget Sound.

And the Space Needle.. I still have this.
36 years ago this was pretty amazing.. Computers were not a every day thing!
Grandma bought me a groovy scratch and sniff orange t-shirt.  Of course one washing and it was over.
I think it was made by these guys... Mmmmm smells like racism.
It was a good time for sure, and I think Marti may have got in trouble for stealing Grandpa Kens prize Peas.
They were damn good peas.
I remember the smell of their basement, and the stacks of old magazines.. 
Every Good House Keeping, and Red book published to that point.
I remember this one.. Police Woman was one hot law enforcement officer!

 Then there was the big celebration!
1976 Fireworks over the water!

When your 10 and from Utah that was a pretty big deal.. Far cry from the park in Lehi.. (But that was fun too.)
ooooohhh... aaaahhhhh.
So thanks to Mom and Dad for sending us away that Summer.. It has stayed with me all those years!

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