Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Bras, beads and Bella.

It was hot when we got up today.. almost 100 degrees.
We thought it would be a great day to head up the mountain.. a little nature for our 4th.
We drove until it was 60 degrees! Nice Brrrrr. We didn't think to bring jackets.

It was so cold the Panda's came out... it's nature after all.
Well if Vegas had Pandas they would have loved it.

Up to the ski resort we went.. It's a really a Ski nook.

At least it had indoor plumbing.
The summer chair lift was running, so up the hill we went!
See how cold it looks?
In shorts and short sleeves, it was a bit chilly.. and these lifts had no safety bars.  Nothing.
Which makes taking someone afraid of heights all that much more fun!

The scenery was what you would expects, trees, hills and bra's.

What's that you say? Bra's?

Bras and beads on almost every tree we passed.. I like the hot pink one!

Taking a picture of a bra in a tree as you sit on a moving, lift without a seat belt is harder than you think.. just saying.
Just a reminder that you are that close to Vegas..

This sign makes sure you know also.. 
It was a good day! Cool and great company! 
Happy Independence Day! 

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