Monday, January 23, 2012

Somebody was pissed.

Mom and I went to look at some houses that are to be auctioned off at the end of the week.
Two of them were nice. White walls and clean floors.. manned gates letting us in to check it out.
then there was this..
I like to call this Topher and Josh's new investment... Using the the new real estate buzz phrase, "Sweat equity."
Broken window and a little wear and tear.. Curb appeal sort of sucks.... a lot.

Did Jackson Pollock live here? 

A little Clorox, a hammer and chisel, and it will be like new. 

Build in shelf for your big screen!  Classy!

Perhaps Rorschach lived here?

I see naughty body parts.. Wait no, A butterfly... Ah wait.. what is the right answer?
Nice big yard that apparently was some sort of prison for children?

A puppy mill? Whatever it could not have been good.

A young family must have lived here... Wonder if they let the boy vandalize this room?

I don't know what is worse the wall color or the baby shit color they splattered.
House hunting is fun!

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