Friday, January 6, 2012

Craigslist you scare me..

I know that Craigslist has a bad reputation... Because it is evil... Yet kind of fun.

Probably has something to do with those murders, rapes, sex trade, scams and stuff.. 
But the new tenant is coming and  Mom needs to clean out some of the Goodwill treasures and other collectibles in the Sutter home.
So I have been doing the Craigslist thing..

Here is what I have learned..
If you post a Wheelchair for $50.00 somehow that translates to $30.00
See how clever I was in my ad? 
Someone texted me and told me they were going to come pick it up and they would give me $30.00..
Hey Douche? Did we even negotiate? Don't tell me what you are going to pay!
Sorry about your luck.. but you pissed me off.

I sold it today for $50.00 to a very nice woman who was spending $200.00 a month to rent one.. We all win.

When we started looking to rent out the house I looked in the housing wanted... I forbid Mom to look, too many sad stories and she would be renting it out for pennies... bleeding heart that she is.
I  came across these posts, that made me sad to be part of the human race.
A poker playing, old nudist..  wait! is in to poly! (One who likes to have many sexual partners, short for polyamorous.)
At least he is clean and neat! A little demanding on the internet needs.

Woot!  Bondage in exchange for rent.. Male, Female, whatever!

Nope! Mom was not allowed to search these posts.. 
 I also found that people want lots and lots of money for their used stuff... 
Not my fault you paid 15k for this set.. And I am not paying 5 grand for your regret!.  I can buy lots of NEW stuff for $5,000. 

And finally I learned that people will sell anything on Craigslist.. 
No! No! and NO! I am not ever going to buy a used toilet... Do you know what people do with those?
Craigslist can be useful... But really one needs to be careful and use common sense.. 

This PSA is brought to you by the people of Rhinelander Drive.

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