Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ranger Danger.

We have all been there, happy in our houses.. watching television or twisting away in our forever lazy's

When our little piece of peace is interrupted...... by the asshole neighbors screaming car alarm!

That note is a bad idea, because.....
The alarm is screaming from the truck in the garage!  We are the noise polluters..

Last week while I was getting sick,  the battery in the Ranger died.  Mom called AAA they came to fix it, ended up replacing the battery... cool done no fuss no muss...
Until Mom went to take it to the store and the high pitched noise echoed and bounced of the garage walls.. 
New battery equals instant alarm...
Hey! What did you do?
Mom tries calling them back, Yelling over the howl of the truck.. I try holding my ears and can't figure out how to shut it up.. So I yank open the hood and disconnect the new battery..
AAA shows up again.. only to say the last guy put in the wrong size battery... Grrrrrrrr. They put the right one on order..

Days later they come with the right part, wrong guy.. he hooks it up and the screaming starts again. 
He doesn't know what to do.. he hovers in the corner of the garage like a little baby crying..

Just go.. and quit crying... 
So there the truck sits... if we start it everyone in the neighborhood over 65 start freaking out like a bad 1950's flashback
Russians??? Where??? 
The guy next door looked at it, he has no clue..
The alarm company that makes the scream, doesn't give a shit.. and have no words of wisdom..
(Clifford alarm company you suck.)
So if anyone has any ideas... Help!!!!!
The ringing in my ears has stopped.. I don't want it to start again...

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