Saturday, May 11, 2013

Stop buying that crap.

Dear Tourist,
Thanks you for coming to Las Vegas, without you I wouldn't have a paycheck.
Problem is... you are buying way too much crap!

Are you buying that giant Gummy Worm because you crave the sugar? Or because you have a Mike/Topher  sense of humor and yes, it looks like a giant candy dildo?

Sure the movie "The Hangover" was popular.. but really why are people still buying this T-shirt?
Hundreds of them... 
At full retail?

And even more puzzling is the amount of designer wear that goes through our warehouse. Fedoras, dresses and ridiculous jeans.
They look kinda silly.

Watches.. ties.. cuff-links.. playing cards... Toddler and tiara style dresses.. we sell it all.
And just recently we have brought in the quintessential Vegas prop..... Booze.
Like the casinos, we know that alcohol loosens the wallet!

With all this stuff passing through the doors... 
I have been working and working and working..
10 hours a day 6 days a week are our hours lately..
Damn you silly tourists, can you just give us a little break?
I have the whole weekend off! I am so happy! 

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