Sunday, May 19, 2013

Free is good

Last month the local casino had a promotion to get us fools with a few dollars in our pockets through the door.
So they say.  Mostly they love our $$$$$

Last month every Saturday Chell and I went to get our free Polo shirt, duffle bag.......

A bag that some fool is trying to sale on e-bay.

and a coin counter. (With a chance to win $$$$$$$.)
This is what a line to free money looks like.. But it moved fast..

When Mom got home from Reno she was obsessed with our coin counters... oh the jealousy.  
We had to hide them, in fear that she would become a thief.

After all, they are super fancy!

This month the Casino has a promotion where you can win all sorts of things Friday, Saturday and Sunday..

Free meals. A Vacation to Hawaii. Free Slot play. Puppies!!

What do you mean the puppies part was a lie?

One of the prizes is a mystery gift that you pick up and the rewards center.
Translation, you get some of the shit that we couldn't even give away last month.

Strangely Mom didn't feel like going to the Santa Fe yesterday and so I took her card and swiped it to 
see if she won anything good.

A good daughter would have picked up her trinkets, but they are sticklers for ID's and stuff.

So I brought home her slip... 
She wasn't too excited, thinking it was another stupid t-shirt, until I told her I saw folks walking around with the coveted coin counter.!

And so we say goodbye as she headed out to find her treasure!
Guess what?
She got it!

Chell and I were so amused at how excited she was! I can only hope she was half that happy the day I was born.

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