Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ode to the old sectional

It was a cheap piece of furniture.
Mom and Dad picked it up from some sad souls vacating Vegas for more prosperous land.
I know Cheryl Crow is going through your head.

Memories of Old Couchy!

 It was mushy and cushy and great to watch TV on....  It made a decent bed when the house was over run and now it it sitting on the curb...

A ad on craigslist had them all chiming in..  Anything for free I guess... Someone even wanted it delivered..
But it is sitting there waiting for the first folks to show to come pick it up in a hour or so.. 

Now after months of obsessing Mom has her brand new couch..

A couch that she picked up in the truck and arrived for Chell and I Ikea style.. In boxes... not put together..

But mostly Chell, cause I don't read confusing diagrams as well as she does.
Finally she has her new couch.

Bella hasn't found it yet.. she has been hiding for hours...  
Ready for lounging and stuff..

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