Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 may you be good to us.

Finally the Holidays are behind us, at least for another 6 months.. then the retailers will start displaying Christmas cheer in 112 degree weather.
You can buy bikini's and tacky all at once.
This year I resolve to eat less celery.

I vow to pray less, and stop preaching the virtues of clean living!
In support of Chell and her new business adventure.

I resolve to expand my vocabulary.
The Urban Dictionary way!
I will watch more Honey Boo Boo.

And her Mother.

I will stop picking up free things off Craigslist.

But it still has some use!
But must of all, I resolve to get the image of Mom saying... "I could wear leather pants and carry a whip." out of my head..... Before it explodes into a million pieces.

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