Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hey Winter, you're doing it wrong!

I hate winter.. I hate cold and snow... I hate it I tell ya.

This is why I love Vegas... nice dry mild Winters... Just a day or so ago I was loving the 60 degree average for this time of year weather... but now????

F you 26 degrees!
The news is a buzz, reminding us every hour that it is cold... keep the pets in... check on your elderly neighbors,  turn off your sprinkler systems and poor Chell, run your pool pump during the night.

Funny how the pets and elderly never get mentioned when its 112 out.
That we know how to handle.
Bella is mad... she goes outside and marches back in to yell at us and demand warmer air.
Just look what this weather has done to Bella!

She forgot to come in.
The house across the street is empty and the sprinklers run every day.. making ice slick sidewalk.. The kids in the hood are fascinated with the frozen wonderland,

Good Times!
Las Vegans really have no idea how to do winter... we really don't!

This is what frozen means to us.

3 More days of this...  If you don't hear from us, its because we were so cold our eyes started to water and we wandered aimlessly, getting lost.. stumbling into the warmth of a Nye County brothel and finding the hospitality of the 'girls' too gracious to refuse...
Hey new friends are important!

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