Saturday, February 16, 2013

Hidden in plain sight.

For Christmas Mom got us all a Metal Detector.
And after watching shows like Diggers on National Geographic Channel.
Wow! A old nugget of nothing!

We thought we would take it out on this gorgeous day and find our own treasures!
What? It could happen!

We headed out to scour some empty lots in the area...  maybe we could pick up the spare change of bus riders and the homeless..

We found nothing of value..

Mostly shit like this.

We did however discover another world right in our own little piece of Vegas.
Right here in this empty lot a block or two from the house..

We have driven by this piece of land hundreds of times thinking nothing of it... but there are folk who have claimed this dusty dirty space as their own..  

I only had my phone camera, but this is what a closer look gets you here in Sin City.

Hey What is that over there?

OMG! It's a deluxe cardboard house... Note the rug, broom and mop... 
 These folks piled rocks on top to camouflage the place... Clever. It works.
A few steps later... 

These people have a outdoor kitchen.. 
I like to think that all homeless are creepy old men... but the very clean women's shoes blow that theory.

If you look over the mound of dirt you can see the roof of their pallet and cardboard kingdom.
I walked around to get a look and take a picture, but the 'door' was open and somebody was home.
What caught me as a little sad is, they had a sign hanging on the pallet/door.
I think they have been there for some time..
We quietly continued on.... to the obviously poor part of the neighborhood.

Just a thin pad and a sleeping bag... some folks have no pride.

We followed the trail of lost clothing....
 To what we figured was the foreclosed on dwelling..  it was a little creepy...

There was a whole wardrobe out by this place.

Strangely there was a guy on a horse riding around the lot, and off to the distance a much larger make shift home.. but we decided that it would be rude to approach since there was some guy sitting out sunning in his lawn chair.

We didn't end our adventure with pockets full of found change..
But we did feel rich with the knowledge that we have a nice place to rest our heads and call home..
With electricity and more importantly indoor plumbing and running water!

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