Saturday, June 8, 2013

Today's weather is hot, record breaking hot if you can believe the TV.

But its Vegas and we are acclimated to this right?

The guys on the weather tell us to stay cool.
Drink lots of fluids and don't leave your pets out.

But they don't give you the obvious warnings, the ones that the less than brilliant fail to follow.

10 out of 10 doctors recommend that you use high SPF sun screen.
Someone tell this woman cooking oil is not a good substitute.
I know you want your kid to get a early start on the whole Toddlers and Tiaras craze.. and sure that semi-safe spray tan gets expensive.. 
But baking a baby in full sun is not going to get you on reality TV any quicker.. the local news  maybe.
Even Barbie needs to learn the heat and sun will damage that lily white skin plastic.

But Ken likes me tan and pretty!
Sure we all know not to leave our pets in the car when it's this hot.. But remember.......
Not to leave them in the fridge for too long either... 
Drinking lots of fluids does not include guzzling a 12 pack of Corona...
Not only does the alcohol dehydrate you...
Moments like this...
Quickly turn into this.

Because drinking buddies are not kind, and cant wait for you to pass out in the sun.

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