Saturday, March 2, 2013

Mike came into town yesterday.
As Mom anticipated his visit, she also prepared her list for him.

The same type of lists that we received growing up.. a list of chores that need to be done before we could go out and play..
For the record. Matt was the fastest at completing the list.. a little Taz that wouldn't let a floor that needed mopping stand in his way for long.

It was the worst part of the weekend..... take back... Church was the worst part of the weekend.

Mikes list this weekend included helping me bath Bella.... Oh yes we did!
It wasn't a good time for all or any... I almost would have gone to Sunday School to avoid this much need task.... Almost.

After much debate on how the best way to save our skin and clean the kitty.. We bit the bullet filled the tub and dunked her.. 
I must say she wasn't happy, but her frantic little brain forgot that angry cats scratch and cause itchy bloody lines on the offending human..

We all walked away unharmed and no ambulances need to be called.

A wet Bella is hilarious and pathetic.
Now knowing that we had a mad cat who wanted to sulk..... 
we waited until the still soaking wet kitty settled into Mikes bed and we escaped...
We could do that, because is isn't 1976 and  Mike didn't have to finish his list before we went out to play.
We are adults after all. 

So with the sun shinning and the cat angry and sequestered in the house we slipped away off to Valley of Fire!
Mike doing his Arnold impersonation, cause Arnold filmed here once upon a time.
It's close.

Don't be fooled. not as comfy as it looks.
This old dwelling was build by people years ago... I am sure there is a story but  I haven't a clue what it is... I didn't read the sign in the parking area.

Oh look! It's Moms new condo,

This etched by either century old natives, or really good modern day taggers. 
 One of the highlights of the day was when we saw a guy pulled over and taking pictures at nothing spectacular.. then Chell thought to look closer and sure enough, there was Big horn sheep hanging out watching the cars go by.  Good catch Chell!  Real nature I tell ya!

Pose pretty!  I actually took this shot... I did not steal it from Nature Channels website.

It was a nice day for a such an adventure.. the weather was perfect. The company grand! 

I would do today again.... Bella would not.

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