Sunday, September 30, 2012

That's Just Rubbish.

Sunday mornings!
Ah.. a nice cup of coffee...

Good Morning Rachael!

The Sunday paper!

 And a trip to The Dump.
What? The dump on Sunday? This is Vegas, everything is open.
Except the City landfill isn't a landfill and it isn't out in the open.
Our dump in is the city limits...
It's indoors...
My day is ruined... I should have gone to church.

I left my shoes in the pile of yard debris.... the stench is still in my nose!

 Right next to a Jr High School... 

'What's for lunch?  Oh fuck it, stinks too much to eat....'   No wonder we have the lowest graduation rate in the country.

On the bright side, it's free to take your trash to the 'Transfer Station', 

I'm off to take my decontamination shower now..

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