Saturday, July 20, 2013

Out, damn'd spot! out, I say!

We all have our little stashes.

The kids don't need to know.

Trust me the kids do know.
Recently I discovered Chell has her own secret stash.
Not a back issues of Lesbian porn, or zip lock baggies full of pot.
It could be Oregano???  Not.

My girl has a soap addiction... 
Bars of soap stashed everywhere!
Here is some of the actual hoard.


If I lose her in the grocery market or Target, I head to the soap aisle.
I have had to resort to distracting her in the store...  there is enough soap in the house.
Move along! There is nothing to see here!

I will get worried if I start seeing these.

Old lady decorative soaps.

Not delicious.
Hello? Hello, Who's there?  Mr. Clean, is that you?

What! Wait a minute.. I might need some of this.

Who modeled for these Boobies soap on a rope?  

Everyone teases Chell for her clean obsession, but truth be known, she smells nice! 

There are far worse vices. 

Lather on Girl! 

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