Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I love a good fight.
The whole Chick fil a controversy has me wondering who else throws money at causes trying to keep my people down.
(spoiler alert... I'm Gay.)
That is corporations throwing money at the anti-day causes.

Hate tastes like chicken.

I was surprised by what I found.... and remember that the internet never lies.

After years of tagging, bagging, receiving and sending their hip shit out,  I find out that they are donating money to guys like Rick Santorum..  Glad I left that job in Reno.....  

Acting all Gay friendly then taking our money to send it to those fools who have nothing better to do than worry about the Queers wanting to file a joint tax return.

Oh wait... this one doesn't surprise me at all.
This company went under fire last fall for its association with the Charity Giveback Group, formerly called the Christian Values Network, which allows a cut money gained through e commerce to go to anti-gay religious organizations. Meanwhile, Jim Walton, the youngest son of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton, donated $75,000 to the Family Council Action Committee’s 2008campaign to prevent gay couples from adopting in the state of Arkansas.  

This one did surprise me.
Apparently they are only doing good for those who meet the standard.

While those ringing bells and red kettles may be an iconic image come Christmastime, take a moment to think where the money will be going. The Salvation Army has been criticized in the past for its anti-gay policies, including attempts to make gay sex illegal. Just last month, an official from the Salvation Army Australia, Maj. Andrew Craibe, was reported as saying that he believes homosexuals should be put to death, citing biblical passage Romans 1:18-1:32 as his justification for this belief.  

Geez... that's a little harsh. And so it goes...  

On the flip side...

Hey does General Mills make Fruit Loops??
I might just go out and buy a Oreo.
Home Depot, Scottsdale Arizona
Power tools for Lesbians and fabulous decor for the guys.

They are that cool.

Take that Walmart, while Target takes the money and business of all the fun people.
So there you are.

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