Monday, December 12, 2011


Moms piano needed a little tweaking, so Mike got to work.
I see the problem....  need a few things.
The keys were sticking and the thingies were not even.
Mike just needed a few professional parts to do the job.

Piano grade drinking straws.

Chickering approved boo boo pads.

A little bang  here and and little ping and pry there and the piano works much better!
That orange thing is the straw, that stops the rattle. 
It aint pretty, but if you leave the case down, you are all set!

Mike is a clever guy. Topher and I will never let him forget the time in Reno when the car we were driving died. 
Mike found a comb and a lighter and melted together the wires that came loose..  and we were once again on our way!
Not just for smoky treats!

1 comment:

  1. Holy moley, I hope Mike's there next time my car breaks down. That's incredible! -J
