Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It all about family..

Sarah has the right idea.. proclaiming all that she is thankful all month long.

I was just recently saying to Chell that I am lucky in the sibling department.
About this time last year, I was working at my psycho job. I mentioned that I couldn't wait to get home because my brother was flying in. 
My crazy boss Jim was genuinely confused as to why I would want to spend time with my brother..
Well Duh, its Mikey..  

Now that things have calmed down here, the visits have slowed and I really miss the trips to the airport, picking up some of my favorite people.

Mom is now packing her bags and seeing her kids on their own turf. 
Tomorrow she is off to see Mike in Reno... 
Ahhh.. That's why Mike stays in Reno.

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